The past few days have been at a standstill for me, spiritually, physically, and physiologically. I have had no desire to pray, which is the worst thing ever. Not praying is like not breathing, not being connected to your life source. Yet, for some reason I just felt that I was too sinful, too flawed, too horrible to ask the Author of Life for anything. I felt my sin weighing in on me, like sticky glue, stuck to me, and demobilizing. I felt like the present darkness was overwhelming me. There was no way I could reach out to the light, because second I was a millimeter away from the Light it vanished only to reappear further and further way.
Then my friend Richard sent me her words. Her words somehow penetrated the darkness. they somehow shone, and it seemed to me, that maybe, maybe she was right and perhaps I could touch the light...
Her words were true, and the mouth that they uttered from was Mother Teresa's. Mother Teresa. One of the most humble people ever. One of the most truthful. One of the most beautiful. And most importantly, One of the most loving. A woman who changed the course of the World, simply by praying and coming to the Lord with this attitude:
"When time come when we can't pray it is very simple: if Jesus is in my heart, let Him pray, let me allow Him to pray in me, to talk to His Father in the silence of my heart. Since I cannot speak, He will speak; since I cannot pray. He will pray. Thats why often we should say "Jesus in my heart, I believe in your faithful love for me, I love you" and often we should be in that unity with Him and allow Him and when we have nothing to give - let us give Him that nothingness. when we cannot pray - let us give that inability to Him. There is one more reason to let Him pray in us to the Father. Let us ask Him to pray in us, for no one knows the Father better than He."