Thursday, June 4, 2009

In a Lightning Storm

I was sitting on my bed about to go to sleep, but the rain was constantly pitter patting outside my window to a 4 count tempo. So instead of closing my eyes, I opened them and walked out of my house.

It was time, time to run, in my pajamas, barefoot, in the rain outside. It didn't matter that it was 12 AM or that outside thunder and lightning were conversing with each other as the rain fell upon the earth. Actually those very factors made the idea of running even more appealing, even more romantic.

I opened the door and danced in our court, danced to the strobe lights of the lightning and the beat of the thunder with the rhythm of the rain to the sleeping neighborhood and then I let loose. I ran down my street, fast, furious, hoping to gain freedom. The mewithoutYou song Timothy Hay began to float in my head. The last lines where on repeat in my mind:

What a beautiful God, what a beautiful God, what a beautiful God there must be!
What a beautiful God, what a beautiful God, what a beautiful God there must be!

Those were the perfect words to my day: Thunder and Lightning Storms in the beginning of June starting at dusk continuing on through midnight, time of intercession and fellowship with my dear friend Sandi Padilla, and the rescue of a baby owl.

I will start with Sandi. Sandi is a dear prophet friend of mine. She hears the voice of God so clearly, and I am so blessed that I get to have fellowship with her. Today we spent nearly the entire day together, blessing one another. We are fighting the battle of freedom together this summer. Often times I get so discouraged about the battle that I am fighting, when I see the temptations becoming sins and taking root in my life. I am so blessed that Sandi is walking with me and encouraging me as I encourage her. On my way home from Sandi time, I saw a little owl on the side of the road, sitting there with frightened eyes.

He was so tiny, no bigger than my hand so I pulled over to offer my assistance. His beak was bleeding. I'm not a nurse, nor a caretaker, but I do have a mother heart and so I offered the little orphan owl what I could. I picked him up and put him in my car in the passenger seat, and I drove him home. I wanted to keep the little bird, but my mother had other ideas so I was forced to take him to the bird Sanctuary. I hope he did find sanctuary there, the lady there who checked him in did not seem friendly.

My thoughts turned to the present again as my feet felt the earth beneath them and I smiled to myself as I experienced this freedom. There certainly is a beautiful God, a God who lets me feel the earth and run, a God who creates storms, a God who uses people to speak into my life, a God who lets me be friends with baby Owls, a God who is beautiful beyond all description. What a beautiful God, What a beautiful God, What a beuatiful God there must be and I'm glad I know him. At that moment the rain stopped and I felt my cleansed body restored. There is no more Sin, Only Freedom.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Isolation morphed into Solitude and Solitude slowly melted away as I was invited by my dear Kassan and Grace to accompany them to Bethel. Bethel is a church in Redding 3 hours away from our home, made famous primarily by the movie “Finger of God.” (which I highly recommend to anyone interested or uninterested)

Kassan and Grace are both in High School and some of the sweetest girls I know. Grace reminds me so much of myself when I was in High School and it’s such a blessing I have to be a part of her life and see her grow. Kassan is short for Kassandra. She has one of the most agreeable dispositions I have encountered and she carries herself in a love and gentleness beyond her years. I am so blessed to know her.

At Bethel there was a spirit of worship. We could feel it as soon as we walked into the church. The worship music just flowed and I fell in love again. I suppose I am constantly falling in love with new things, new places, new people, all in different ways, but tonight I really fell in love with interlude. The part of worship where the song is through, but the music is still playing and the leaders haven’t started the next song yet. Unlike other churches the interludes here were filled with calls of praise and everyone was singing from their hearts, singing straight to their Creator, here instead of awkward transitions interludes were savored, expounded upon and even became new songs within themselves. It was a taste of Heaven. I felt the presence of the LORD open up especially in these interludes and I wanted more.

I am so hungry for the presence of the LORD and somewhat thankful that Isolation has fled for the presence of Communion…..Communion with my Maker, my Creator, Yeshua. I am so Hungry to Worship my God.

P.S. Read Isaiah 60.